April 20 prompt -> “All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.” – (Toni Morrison)

Often I battle to discern my inner spirit creature
In the winter the Mighty Brown Bear reigns
Hiding from the fierce cold; sleeping through the ice.
Missing the cold dead trees and frozen springs
Waking only after the world begins to renew
When the creeks are warm enough for bear toes
But when that moment suddenly comes
When the sun takes the wheel once more
I shed my fur and head towards the south
To be an ancient Jolly Sea Turtle, gliding aimlessly
Swimming effortlessly, grinning a turtle’s grin
Slower on sand, but who isn’t? Sand is dry and warm
In the waves I find grace, depths reached enviable
But when the waters turn into frigid currents
I return to warmer lands and adorn my fur
I trade my saltwater for creeks and mighty rivers
Preparing to bunker down for the approaching cold
There is no Fall or Spring animal in my inner self
For we no longer experience those moments
They are but a memory, it happened when I was a kid
Confusing the budding flowers and fading leaves
Leaving me moments away from resting nervously
At the cusp of Turtle or Bear, salt or spring, fur or shell